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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 5:07 pm

Gentlemen, after much discussion between the old hands and regulars it has been decided that we are going to launch a "Class "A" certification program with the aim of controlling and regulating a segment of our tanks to add realism to a couple of battles each battleday. Now of course most of us know the basics when it comes to emitters and receiver apples but lets open the discussion for a week or 10 days and let us know your ideas on what you would like to see and what you don't want to see. Wee will then draft a set of basic rules have a quick vote and prepare a small section of the field for testing beginning at the July meet.

I want to emphasize that we are not looking to create a monster here, it's just some of us would like to add some further accuracy, realism, and tactics to our battles. I also want to emphasize that at this point the Class "A" battles will consist of 2 battles per battleday only. We want everyone to have fun and be able to be involved most of the day. Having said that, the idea is for all our members to aspire to have at least one certified tank. 

so here are the basics at this point that we try to do now. Then let the discussion begin on other ideas...

You must have a Tamiya apple receiver. This apple must be able to receive hits at a minimum of 10 meters. The apple must not be obstructed by any stowage, guns, figures, etc.. in a 360 degree radius.
You must have an emitter capable of hitting a Tamiya apple at a minimum of 10 meters
Your emitter must be recessed at least 9mm back inside a tube.

Your tank must be set for the appropriate number of hits to destroy it.

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

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Staff Sergeant
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 6:37 pm

How do you handle something like a KV2 where the apple is up high?
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Second Lieutenant
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 6:39 pm

I think this is a very good start in a good direction. This still leaves a very open, fun feel for everyone while bringing a little more realism for select battles.

I can see nothing wrong with the four basic rules you've mentioned. We will have to establish a verification area or tent to test the emitters, apples and hit numbers.

I am for this.


[b]You may be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper! - Death[/b]
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 8:34 pm

Don't you mean "maximum" when you say "minimum" ? In theory there should be no minimum requirement (i.e. if you are right in front of each other).
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 8:41 pm

The minimum long range is 10 meters....

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

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Captain Action
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2019 11:43 pm

You apple should not be obstructed for ALL battles and all tanks. Everyone should remember that.

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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2019 8:12 am

How about realistic reverse speeds and turret traverse as well.
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2019 9:55 am

Renesis wrote:
How about realistic reverse speeds and turret traverse as well.
Pretty sure that's not possible on Tamiyas or most others....

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2019 1:52 pm

On the other hand if you just use Tamiya for class A then you have somewhat of a leveled playing field, but even then...... The latest Sheridian is servo rotation and elevation so there goes that.
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2019 1:55 pm

As long as the tank meets the final criteria it doesn't matter who made it....

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2019 1:57 pm

treemagnet wrote:
How do you handle something like a KV2 where the apple is up high?
Tactics, get to higher ground to shoot.

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 5:03 pm

O.K. guys, I need some help on a couple of questions about Tamiya tanks. How does the damage work? Is it pre-programed? Can it be changed? If it can't what is the setting for it please? Like 25% damage after X number of hits etc...

I am trying to make sure this is fair for everyone and get the information out to you guys quickly so those with IBU's and Elmod's have time to set them up properly before the weekend...

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 5:27 pm

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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 5:29 pm

Thanks Mike...

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 5:33 pm

Heavy takes 9 hits maximum, 9 sec reload
Medium takes 6 hits maximum, 5 sec reload
Light takes 3 hits maximum, 3 sec reload.

First hit always drops speed to 50% regardless of class.
Drop to 25% at 5 (Heavy), 4 (Medium) , 2 (Light) hits
Destroyed when you hit the magic number.

Looks like Tamiya also has a shaken up "feature" but does not specify what that timeframe is.
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 6:29 pm

The only tactical advantage I've noticed with Tamiya tanks is they cannot take machine gun hits! I don't think that's significant enough to matter, especially with our mix of Clark, IBU and Tamiya systems. 

I would expect the range tests to be conducted under a tent. On sunny days that'll be cut down a lot.

Basically if we model it after Newville rules without the insane strictness we can keep everyone happy. Stick to ability to TAKE hits, a reasonable speed and perhaps fan-shot rules (Again, we don't have a big issue with fan shots)

Tiger I - Panzer II - Panzer III - Panzer IV - Chi Nu Kai -  Panther G - KV-1b 756(r)
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 11:19 pm

Jarlath wrote:
Heavy takes 9 hits maximum, 9 sec reload
Medium takes 6 hits maximum, 5 sec reload
Light takes 3 hits maximum, 3 sec reload.

First hit always drops speed to 50% regardless of class.
Drop to 25% at 5 (Heavy), 4 (Medium) , 2 (Light) hits
Destroyed when you hit the magic number.

Looks like Tamiya also has a shaken up "feature" but does not specify what that timeframe is.

If you read it closely it says after 15 seconds you will be revived. Also, the hit LED will flash when you are dead anyway, regardless of the shaken part. Also you have a different sound effect when you die. And I did not know about the invulnerability part.

The good news is that after a short period of "down-time" (about 15sec), your tank will come back to life with the "battery engine start-up" sound. For a short time, your tank remains invulnerable to enemy fire, allowing for some evasive maneuvering before striking back at your foe.
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeMon Jul 08, 2019 11:24 pm

Just to pour more gasoline into this wild fire, in theory if we are looking at standardizing tanks, we can just specific a particular tank as Class A. Not very interesting but problem solved.

So if you want Class A, everyone buys a Tamiya Tiger I and use Tamiya Battle System (Emitter and Battle unit).

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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 7:45 am

I agree Mike, that would be the easiest solution. and yes you are right not really interesting with 12 Tigers running around on the field! I even though about having your Class A tanks all needing the same amount of hits regardless of type. To me that's the easiest and that would ensure that the best driver/gunner would come out on top. But then the factors of speed really come in to play and would that be fair?

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 7:49 am

Strato50 wrote:
The only tactical advantage I've noticed with Tamiya tanks is they cannot take machine gun hits! I don't think that's significant enough to matter, especially with our mix of Clark, IBU and Tamiya systems. 

I would expect the range tests to be conducted under a tent. On sunny days that'll be cut down a lot.

Basically if we model it after Newville rules without the insane strictness we can keep everyone happy. Stick to ability to TAKE hits, a reasonable speed and perhaps fan-shot rules (Again, we don't have a big issue with fan shots)
You can still have the Clark MG on but set for no damage so that isn't an issue. Yes, was already thinking about ranges in bright sun. We have a new big camo net that can be erected and testing could be done under there.

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 9:05 am

And the answer to all Tamiya tanks is No. Smile
Cause at this time, I'm not gonna be playing (paying) that brand for quite a while...
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 9:28 am

MikeC wrote:
Jarlath wrote:
Heavy takes 9 hits maximum, 9 sec reload
Medium takes 6 hits maximum, 5 sec reload
Light takes 3 hits maximum, 3 sec reload.

First hit always drops speed to 50% regardless of class.
Drop to 25% at 5 (Heavy), 4 (Medium) , 2 (Light) hits
Destroyed when you hit the magic number.

Looks like Tamiya also has a shaken up "feature" but does not specify what that timeframe is.

If you read it closely it says after 15 seconds you will be revived. Also, the hit LED will flash when you are dead anyway, regardless of the shaken part. Also you have a different sound effect when you die. And I did not know about the invulnerability part.

The good news is that after a short period of "down-time" (about 15sec), your tank will come back to life with the "battery engine start-up" sound. For a short time, your tank remains invulnerable to enemy fire, allowing for some evasive maneuvering before striking back at your foe.
I always knew about the invulnerability. When you get in too close from the front you cannot hit but back away a few meters and you can hit. Was always called the 45 degree defence.

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 10:52 am

No no no....... Am I the only one that actually read the website page ?

The invulnerability I am talking about here is AFTER you are destroyed, when you come back to life you are invulnerable to hits for a short period of time so you can get out of the spot where you were destroyed.

The invulnerability with the 45 degree angle you mentioned here is also described in the webpage, but it is different than what you described. According to the webpage, if you are more than 5 meters away, there will be a 45 degree defense to simulate the deflection in a real battle, but there is NO 45 degree defense within 5 meters (Basically it is opposite to what you described).
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Field Marshal
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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 11:30 am

sorry, yes, I did know that... LOL! I was writing late night...

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

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PostSubject: Re: CLASS "A" Battle tanks   CLASS "A" Battle tanks Icon_minitimeTue Jul 09, 2019 11:36 am

On the invulnerability period after being destroyed, not really a concern for us because for Class "A" battles we are envisioning you are destroyed you are out of the game...

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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