Can-Am RC Tank Club
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The CAN-AM RC Tank Club is a group of remote control tank enthusiasts that meet together to run our tanks on a miniature battlefield and conduct simulated battles using Infrared combat systems.
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» Field Work Meet Up Thread
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby Abteilung 506 Yesterday at 5:06 pm

» Visaton speakers
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby MikeC Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:47 am

» Little video of a battle on our last battleday of the year!
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby Hammertime999999999 Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:23 am

» Offering a ride
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby Abteilung 506 Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:46 pm

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby ZackM Fri Nov 08, 2024 12:18 pm

» For Sale: 1/16 Scale RC M4A3 Sherman Firefly
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby HiawathaPete Fri Nov 08, 2024 11:04 am

» Tamiya strv 122.
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby MikeC Fri Nov 08, 2024 9:25 am

» Introduction from Ray Y.
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby dgsselkirk Tue Nov 05, 2024 8:29 pm

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeby MikeC Tue Nov 05, 2024 3:59 pm

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Abteilung 506
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 
Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_lcapHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_voting_barHere is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... I_vote_rcap 


 Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....

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Field Marshal
Field Marshal

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Join date : 2013-02-12
Age : 65
Location : Kitchener ON

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeSun Jul 14, 2019 5:05 pm

Not only do you have to worry about other tanks shooting you, but now there is a mobile gun position to worry about! This little bastard fires at you every 8 seconds! BUT good news is you can destroy it with 3 well aimed shots! Will be available in the Class A battle scenarios...

Oh, and did I mention mine fields????

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant

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Join date : 2017-03-23
Age : 50
Location : Prineville, Oregon

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 5:15 pm

Damn! that's quite the efficient loading crew!! Game on. Or death I suppose. rambo

[b]You may be a king or a little street sweeper, but sooner or later you dance with the reaper! - Death[/b]
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Field Marshal
Field Marshal

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Join date : 2013-02-12
Age : 65
Location : Kitchener ON

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 5:23 pm

Yes, we are going to reset the shooting time it was just for testing and the video. BUT keep in mind the cyclic rate for a PAK 40 is listed as 14 rounds per minute so so one about every 4.25 seconds!!! I want Tom to set it for 8 seconds for battling...

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Posts : 324
Join date : 2018-07-14
Location : Georgetown Ont

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 5:43 pm

It will be set for machine gun PAK 40 lol
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Posts : 2188
Join date : 2012-03-28
Age : 39
Location : Hamilton, On

Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 7:29 pm

Love it Very Happy

Needs more debris and explosives Wink

Tiger I - Panzer II - Panzer III - Panzer IV - Chi Nu Kai -  Panther G - KV-1b 756(r)
M4A3(76) Sherman -  T-34/85 -  M3 Grant - SECRET PROJECT
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Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....   Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend.... Icon_minitime

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Here is what's in store for you guys coming this weekend....

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