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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby Abteilung 506 Yesterday at 5:06 pm

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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby MikeC Sun Nov 10, 2024 10:47 am

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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby Hammertime999999999 Sun Nov 10, 2024 9:23 am

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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby Abteilung 506 Fri Nov 08, 2024 8:46 pm

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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby dgsselkirk Tue Nov 05, 2024 8:29 pm

Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeby MikeC Tue Nov 05, 2024 3:59 pm

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Abteilung 506
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_lcapHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_voting_barHeng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) I_vote_rcap 


 Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)

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Location : Peterbortough

Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeTue Feb 28, 2023 7:02 pm

Greetings fellow hobbyists.

so i wanted barrel smoke/flash in 2 tanks , i bought the only barrel smokers i could find made by Heng long and equipped with a circuit board stating HX-KZB-2 the circuit board has 3 wires going to  a white plug (looks like a power plug same size as motor plugs) and a single yellow line with a servo plug while the 4 other wires go to the pump and heater.

when i asked HL for a Manual i could hear them laughing all the way from China.. a Manual.. hah, so after some back and forth they gave me a link to a video by Toucanhobby that showed how to hook it up to a TK6.0 and 7.1 board.
now that's great, but... i use a Clark TK50S in them tanks, and i do not want to go back to an HL board.

does anyone have experiences on hooking this all up ? there must be a way, i can't use the  engine smoke one cause that's already in use for.. the engine smoker.

second issue.. so i was at John's place working on my tank and some other stuff and we tried to set up the TK50 with my transmitter.. no luck.. checked the manual (yes some brands do have one) and was told S-Bus was channel 8 on the receiver, nada, niks, nothing, rien, Nichts. but all the servo channels worked.
Turns out after downloading a better then postcard size manual that s-bus port is port 12 and that i should update the firmware (done for transmitter and receiver) now i just have to figure a few things out as that "put switch VRB in the middle then engage switch VRD" is still confuzing, and Confusius is not my buddy !

and then we get to the ir stuff.. and June is getting closer by the minute.

anyway if anyone has tips on how to do this then feel free to reply here or by PM.
Thank you all in advance.


705th Armored Brigade. (Peterborough)
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Field Marshal
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 3:18 pm


Barrel smoke is a little difficult to put into Clark board tanks. Does your Heng Long barrel smoke kit comes with an LED as well ? I know the early ones does not. Either way they are intend to replace a BB based barrel.

Basically what you will need is a steady power supply from somewhere (In Heng Long you can use the Wi-Fi plug which is suppose to supply power for FPV) and also a trigger to stop the pump to pump out smoke after firing. The steady power supply will heat up the fluid tank as soon as you turn on the tank.

In earlier smoke barrel kit they assume you will have a trigger switch from your BB gun to stop the pump motor. In the recent version they shipped with an LED which you are suppose to use as gun flash and that acts as the trigger (instead of the BB trigger).

Maybe you can post a picture of what you have.


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Field Marshal
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 3:52 pm

Clark has a small little electronic board for between the smoker and main board. They are coming to me mid april. Once I get and test I will let you know! :-)

"There are things in Russia which are not as they seem..."
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

Too many tanks, not enough time....
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 4:53 pm

This probably won't help you but at least it explains what is what when you plug in all the stuff.
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 6:10 pm

Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Img_0110
Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Img_0111

that's the wiring harness that heng long send with the smokers.
additional fun, the silicon hose does not fit inside the barrel ... but i can fix that.
Tanks, they are starting to drive me nuts, and i was tested, i'm not criminally insane.

705th Armored Brigade. (Peterborough)
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Field Marshal
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeWed Mar 01, 2023 11:46 pm

You have the newer unit so it is the same as the one in the video I posted from Stanlley. 

There is no easy way to get it hook up to a Clark board. You best bet is to wait for Dean/Clark.
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 8:50 pm

i heard from Clark

reply edited (removal email and a question that was answered in a different email)

Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 9:48 PM
To: Krijn .
Subject: Re: gun barrel flash + smoke hookup

Same trigger method,  connect trigger wire on HL small circuit board to J3.2. on TK board, You can refer to our TSK page for more details.

705th Armored Brigade. (Peterborough)
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Field Marshal
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Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitimeFri Mar 03, 2023 11:03 pm

krijn wrote:
i heard from Clark

reply edited (removal email and a question that was answered in a different email)

Sent: Thursday, March 2, 2023 9:48 PM
To: Krijn .
Subject: Re: gun barrel flash + smoke hookup

Same trigger method,  connect trigger wire on HL small circuit board to J3.2. on TK board, You can refer to our TSK page for more details.

There is some minor issue with this........

First of all, Clark uses 1.0mm plug for their flash. So in order to plug the HL flash trigger got the smoking barrel, you will need to make an adapter for it.

Second, he is assumming that you are only using the smoker for the barrel and not for engine smoke. In other word, you can't have both at the same time. There just isn't another 5v connection on the Clark board for the second smoker fluid tank. I have also tried splitting the single smoker output but that will kill the board as it overloads the connection. The only option is to wire a separate power off the switch to directly feed the smoking barrel smoker, so when you turn on the tank it will heat up the smoker right away. Technically this is a better way for the smoker for the engine as well so when you fire up the engine, the smoker is already full and ready to blow.

No easy as he says.

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PostSubject: Re: Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue)   Heng Long and Clark, not compatible ? (+small Flysky issue) Icon_minitime

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